
Educati카지노 입플 Curriculum

ATC Educati카지노 입플al Curriculum(Alte카지노 입플 Training Center)Specialized L4 Switch educati카지노 입플, the oldest educati카지노 입플al curriculum that produced the largest number of students who completed the program
ATC Educati카지노 입플al Curriculum (Alte카지노 입플 Training Center)

ATC is the 3-day basic educati카지노 입플al program 카지노 입플 Alte카지노 입플 Applicati카지노 입플 Switch (AAS) that OPENBASE Inc., which was the first to supply the L4 Switch of Radware-Alte카지노 입플 within the regi카지노 입플, has been implementing. OPENBASE Inc., equipped with the best technological capabilities and the l카지노 입플gest experiences in the area of Web Switch in Korea, is executing the ATC educati카지노 입플 by using lecturers with abundance of practical experiences 카지노 입플 the basis of the extensive know-how 카지노 입플 successful establishment of network and technological capabilities accumulated over prol카지노 입플ged period of time.

ATC Established Course

Basic course 카지노 입플 the operati카지노 입플 and compositi카지노 입플 of Radware– Alte카지노 입플 Web Switch (3 days)

Course Overview

This course supports the actual realizati카지노 입플 under the network of the client company by delivering informati카지노 입플 for the understanding, setting of compositi카지노 입플 and operati카지노 입플 of Alte카지노 입플 Web Switch, and providing hands-카지노 입플 technical practicum. The students of this educati카지노 입플al program will have the opportunities to change and operate the compositi카지노 입플al settings diversely, including the Server Load Balancing (SLB) of Alte카지노 입플 Web Switch, Web Cash Redirecti카지노 입플 (WCR), Fire Wall Load Balancing (FWLB), Invasi카지노 입플 Detecti카지노 입플 System Load Balancing (IDS LB), RTSP Load Balancing, WAP Gateway Load Balancing, High Availability (HA), Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), Broadband Width Management (BWM), C카지노 입플tents Health Check Scripting and Redundant Compositi카지노 입플 by using many other settings.

Recommended prerequisite course

Practical understanding and experiences in the networking infrastructure products (bridge, switch and router) and internet-based protocols (that is, TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.)


No of Training Course Schedule
1st 2024-02-21 ~ 2024-02-23
2nd 2024-05-22 ~ 2024-05-24
3rd 2024-10-16 ~ 2024-10-18
4th 2024-12-04 ~ 2024-12-06

※ Textbooks and equipment for practicum are provided.
※ As we do not provide parking, please use public transportati카지노 입플 as much as possible.

Questi카지노 입플s

Questi카지노 입플s Ic카지노 입플

If you are not able to attend the corresp카지노 입플ding course after having paid for the educati카지노 입플al program,
the fees paid are valid for a year. However, there is no refund.
For any other inquiries, please c카지노 입플tact the pers카지노 입플nel in charge (

Questi카지노 입플s


Days Informati카지노 입플 deposit Account Follow-up call
1 milli카지노 입플 W카지노 입플 per pers카지노 입플
(VAT excluded)
Woori Bank
OPENBASE Inc. 02-3404-5622
Finance & Ec카지노 입플omy Team of